Apex Assembly Virtual Registration

Apex Assembly is proud to invite you as our VIP Invited Guest to the below events.


Organizations of all sizes are facing challenges arising from the shift to remote working and multi-cloud adoption which means that networks are increasingly more distributed and disaggregated than ever before. Simultaneously, we’re seeing the emergence of edge computing as the next tectonic shift in enterprise networking and Zero Trust becoming foundational to cybersecurity.

In this session, we’ll discuss how these macro trends are creating new challenges and opportunities for organizations of all sizes. How should we think about security and risk management service when enterprises own less and less infrastructure, platform and software? This is reflected in the evolution of the digital, virtual and software defined enterprise with its focus on service automation and value creation. We’ll review how integrated platforms like the Fortinet Security Fabric is ideally positioned as integrated prevention, detection and response technologies reach maturity, and the focus shifts to cross domain visibility and service automation.

Jonathan Nguyen-Duy
Vice President, Field CISO at Fortinet

Leon Ravenna
Chief Information Security Officer,
KAR Global

Kyle Forsyth
Cyber Security Engineer

Paolo Vallotti
Global CISO Mondelez