CIO/ CISO National Workshop

October 21, 2020

Secure your Digital Transformation by Securing your Cloud

Gartner states that, “Through 2022, at least 95% of cloud security failures will be the customer’s fault.”

The cloud’s the limit. But don’t let security fears stop you from doing what is best to enable the business. The most significant step an organization can take to ensure appropriate levels of cloud security is for the corporate leadership to agree that cloud computing has become indispensable, and that it should be governed through planning and policy.

Let’s discuss:

  • How to ensure that your cloud deployments are properly configured as your digital transformation efforts move forward
  • How to get a real-time infrastructure visibility across your entire hybrid cloud network
  • The benefits of automating policy changes in the cloud to reduce misconfiguration errors

FireMon is the only agile network security policy platform for firewalls and cloud security groups providing the fastest way to streamline network security policy management, which is one of the biggest impediments to IT and enterprise agility. Since creating the first-ever network security policy management solution, FireMon has delivered command and control over complex network security infrastructures for more than 1,700 customers located in nearly 70 countries around the world. For more information, visit

Speakers Include...

Rob Rodriguez
Director of Field Engineering, FireMon

Lisa Wallace
Sales Engineer, FireMon

Speaker: Rob Rodriguez, Director of Field Engineering, FireMon

Rob Rodriguez is the Director of Field Engineering for FireMon, the #1 security policy management and automation solution for hybrid cloud enterprises. Prior to FireMon Rob was the Manager of Cyber Security for a Fortune 500 Utility, an IT manager at the largest privately held bank in the United States, and spent 8 years in the Marine Corps as an Intelligence Collector and as an Instructor at the US Army Intelligence Center. Rob has been married for 26 years, has 3 boys, and can quote Back to the Future better than you.

Speaker: Lisa Wallace, Sales Engineer, FireMon

Lisa is a Sales Engineer for FireMon, the #1 security policy management and automation solution for hybrid cloud enterprises. Her 20+ years in the security space include financial services, utilities, MSP’s, and a variety of consulting roles – including a passion for digital forensics. She’s active with multiple NGO’s, helping people and animals alike.

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3:00pm-3:10pm (EST)

Opening Remarks & Executive Introductions

3:10pm-3:35pm (EST)

Roundtable Presentation

3:35pm-4:30pm (EST)

Executive Discussion

Title Representation

Industry Breakdown

Org. Size by Revenue

Got questions? We’ve got answers!

Why should I attend?

Your time is valuable and we make sure to make the most of it! We take the time to figure out your challenges and customize your experience to meet your needs. Our agendas are tailored to your feedback and we pride ourselves in covering the most cutting-edge content delivered by renowned industry experts. Look forward to building enduring partnerships and together we’ll go straight to the top.

Where is the event taking place?

The event is by invitation-only. The location will be released to all attendees once your registration has been confirmed. 

What is the dress code?

We recommend business attire. Most attendees wear suits or comparable attire. Ties are optional.

Can I bring a colleague with me?

Yes! We always urge our members to refer their colleagues! We love adding new members to the community, especially if they come highly recommended by a current member. Either have them reach out to your Apex POC or have them fill out the Member Registration Form.

What if I have dietary restrictions?

No problem! Please let your Apex POC know as soon as possible in order for us to work with the venue on providing alternate options for you at the event.

What if I want to speak at an assembly?

Apex is always looking for speakers that can contribute their valuable insight. If you would like to speak, please contact your Apex POC or fill out the Speaker Registration Form on the Assemblies page. Please keep in mind that we receive many inquiries for speaking and sessions are available on a first come first served basis. But no need to worry, we have plenty of opportunities available at future assemblies.

I plan on being in attendance, but what if something comes up and I have to cancel?

We understand that something may come up on your calendar! Before canceling with us, please know that we will have a separate room for attendees to step out for work-related activities (meetings, emails, conference calls, etc.). If you must cancel, we just ask that you let us know at least 48 hours in advance so that we can open up the waitlist for another member.


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