If you are interested in becoming an Apex contributor, please fill out our online application form below.

Given the large volume of posts that we receive daily, we ask that your posts please be in a ready-to-publish state consistent with our existing content when you submit them for final review. While we review each post and may adjust formatting as needed, posts requiring heavy editing may be rejected. Please be advised: we are currently receiving a high volume of new requests each day, we appreciate your patience as we handle these requests as quickly as we can, in the order they were received.

With our ever-growing Membership base, we always look for new, fresh, engaging and thought provoking content to share among the community. The content on our Intel Page can vary from industry news, blog posts, new findings etc. surrounding the IT and IT Security sector. We also run a 1:1 with Apex series, where our Members will answer a number of questions about their experience and views on certain industry topics. This is a great way to share insight, advice and perspectives to other leaders in the space.

For additional information please contact our Editorial team. We look forward to hearing from you!


Please note: All contributors are responsible for the originality and accuracy of their submissions. Any contributor found to be plagiarizing any percentage of his or her content will be subject to an investigation of his or her entire body of work. If found guilty of plagiarism, the offending author will be banned from the community with all content removed. Acceptance to our contributor program, editing, and publication of contributed content is done at the sole discretion of Apex Assembly.

“There are a lot of events out there. What differentiates Apex from the others is their genuine interest in tailoring my individual experience. They ask intelligent questions to understand my organizational challenges and this is tremendously valuable to me as a busy professional.

VP  & Client Business Partner – Financial Services, Nielsen

“I am very impressed with the professionalism of the Apex staff. They are on point with their suggestions and direction on how best to utilize the membership. I greatly look forward to a continued relationship with Apex.”

Director of Integrated Marketing, Hearst

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